
Thursday, July 7, 2016

Leadership Week

Red socks ROCK!!

Leadership week was such a great week, and according to Rowan, Friday's Red Sock Mufti day was the best day of his life!! Ahh the small things in life are just great!

On Wednesday we were lucky enough to get 2 members from the MBS Leadership team come to our class to talk to us about Sir Peter Blake and to do some super fun activities.
They are proud of us and how much we already knew about him. However some questions were a little tricky!

We had a Lucky sock competition. We all made our socks special to us!

Here's Logan working hard in colouring in his socks perfectly!

The 4 winners of the co-louring in competition.

We played a fun game where we had to answer questions about Sir Peter Blake. We all did so well at this.

Ollie and Callum showed us an interesting slide show about Sir Peter and talked to us about him.  

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